Hellersdorf active

Since the fall of 2018, we have been working together with the Regional center for political education Berlin on the development, implementation and further development of this project. Its goal is to make political education accessible to people who would not find their way to the Regional center for political education Berlin or to other political education events.

Many of these events do not meet the interest of the citizens, are too complicatedly formulated or simply too far away. With the approach of outreach work, we try to counteract this. 

We look the citizens in the mouth, talk to them and motivate them to get involved themselves. We explain how political decisions are made, how influence can be exerted on these decision-making processes and support citizens in formulating and implementing their concrete concerns.

Talks in the open space of the facilities

Mitwissen - Mitdiskutieren

Many topics are discussed in the media and also in direct conversation. Whether it's local problems such as the lack of school and daycare places, traffic routes, or public culture, or the "big picture" with questions about how we want to live together and why social participation is so difficult for many of us. We take up the topics, inform ourselves and our visitors in order to better understand why things are the way they are and what could be done to improve them. Sometimes this results in regular information afternoons or excursions.

We encourage people to get actively involved in society and support them in small actions in their environment. In doing so, we make reference to our project "Living Neighborhood" or encourage them to submit applications to the action funds of the Partnerships for Democracy or the Neighborhood Management.

Respect and Curiosity Festival

We want to organize a festival that encourages people to actively participate in society. Currently, our coexistence is characterized by resignation, dissatisfaction and, at least virtually, by hatred. We want to counteract this and invite you to get involved. There are enough topics. You are sure to find something that interests you in the workshops and discussions. So come around and join in!

Also the selection of the artists follows this will. People who are inspiring, who encourage and who offer discussion with their art will present themselves on our stage. At the same time, they are artists who also invite you to celebrate and for whom "being completely out of your mind" is part of it.

The festival will take place on 19.6.2021. All information is available here.



Wir haben junge Leute dabei begleitet, ihr Projekt FAC[AD]ES umzusetzen. Knapp ein viertel Jahr nach ihrer Ankunft im Quartier, zeigen Sie uns wie sie das Viertel und dessen Menschen wahrnehmen.

Politics (m)eats sausage

That's right! Because you are cordially invited to a summer barbecue of a special kind.

Politicians are not interested in our real needs? They just decide something over our heads? Or are the citizens simply not interested enough in politics and therefore stay away from the discussion evenings and citizens' forums?

In the hot summer temperatures we leave the heated debates and offer you the opportunity at three different locations and dates together with local politicians in the cozy shade of pavilions to eat delicacies from the grill and get to know each other a little better. Whether big or small - old or young, all are welcome.

With this project branch, we are reviving an old project.

What are we doing?

We have invited representatives of the district office, the district assembly and the representatives of the district in the House of Representatives. In an informal atmosphere they are available for individual discussions, in which on the one hand concerns and suggestions of the citizens can be taken up and on the other hand decisions in the district can be explained and discussed. This will happen once each in Hellersdorf, Mahlsdorf and Kaulsdorf. So that the children are not bored in the meantime, we will also provide for their entertainment.

And why?

Again and again, citizens complain that their needs are not taken seriously and that "those up there" simply decide anything. Too seldom do direct discussions take place between citizens and their political representatives. Formats such as citizens' meetings and panel discussions do not promote this necessary exchange enough, because not all people want to express their questions, worries or concerns in front of an audience. That's why we want to create a framework in which individual conversations are possible. Not far away from public life, but in the central places in the district, which are often frequented by many people.


Nächster Termin

Di. 28.05.2024, 17 Uhr - 19 Uhr, Fritz-Lang-Platz. Thema: Europawahl 2024

Unsere Gäste sind:

Lea Reisner – Kandidatin für das EU-Parlament (Die Linke)
Dr. Anastasia Vishnevskaya-Mann – Spitzenkandidatin (FDP)
Roman-Francesco Rogat – Mitglied im Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin (FDP)
Hildegard Bentele – Mitglied im Europäischen Parlament und Spitzenkandidatin (CDU)
Robin Enderlein (CDU)
Chantal Münster – Bezirksverordnete und BVV-Fraktionsvorsitzende (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
Laura Kroschewski – Bezirksverordnete und Kandidatin für das EU-Parlament (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
Bjoern Tielebein – Stellvertretender Landesvorsitzender von Die Linke Berlin und Fraktionsvorsitzender in der BVV Marzahn-Hellersdorf (Die Linke)