Action Funds of the Hellersdorf Partnership for Democracy - 2024

The Action Funds of the Partnerships for Democracy Hellersdorf is again supporting your ideas. Whether a joint soccer tournament, a discussion evening, a skate contest or a neighborly barbecue evening with open-air cinema. There are no limits to your creativity. Initiatives, independent organizations or citizens of any age can apply with their project ideas for more tolerance and democracy for funding of up to 600 €.

The project should start at the earliest on 1.7.2024 and take place in Hellersdorf, Kaulsdorf or Mahlsdorf. More information about the funding and submission of documents can be found on this page. All required documents can be found in the right column of this page.

Call for project ideas to the Action Fund Hellersdorf, Kaulsdorf and Mahlsdorf

As part of the Hellersdorf Partnership for Democracy, an action fund will be launched again in 2024. We call on citizens of all ages from Hellersdorf, Kaulsdorf and Mahlsdorf, initiatives or independent organizations to come up with creative project ideas for tolerance and democracy, to promote commitment to society and to set an example against group-based hostility, discrimination and exclusion.

Funding is available for project proposals that are to be implemented in Hellersdorf, Mahlsdorf or Kaulsdorf during 2024. The maximum funding amount is 600 euros. The earliest possible project start date is 1.7.2024, and projects must be completed by 15.12.2024.

Interested parties who have little experience with project applications are welcome to ask for advice. To do so, call 030 9928 1840. Advice can be given by phone or at a meeting.

Submission of project ideas

The application must be completed and emailed to by 15.06.2024. Forms can be downloaded from (right sidebar).

Project Selection

The decision on the allocation of funds is made by a jury, which includes representatives of the monitoring committee of the "Partnership for Democracy Hellersdorf" as well as citizens: inside. The following criteria are important for the evaluation of the project ideas:


  • Are the contents consistent with the objectives of the call for proposals?
  • Was the proposal submitted in time?
  • Was the maximum funding amount taken into account?


Support the projects (one or more aspects must be identifiable as an objective in the proposal):

  • Promotion of projects and innovative formats against anitsemitism and racism across different target and age groups
  • Promotion of media literacy, for example on fact checking, antisemitism and conspiracy theories, especially regarding social media
  • Promotion of democratic participation and competencies as well as community organising
  • Dialogue competencies for the promotion of solidarity in times of crisis
  • Engagement for tolerance and diversity as well as preventative and educational work against phenomena and ideologies of the extreme right, every day racism, antisemitism, antifeminism and discrimination
  • Formats and events to strengthen democratic participation (for example in the context of the EU-elections)

Funding can be provided for material resources. In justified cases, fees paid to third parties can also be considered. If larger purchases are necessary for a project, it is often possible to borrow them. We will gladly arrange contacts in this regard.